A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Monday, October 03, 2005

Two Tired Pups

The chocolate lab is my next door neighbor Bryn, and this is us after our walk today in the record high 86 degree heat. Check out the leaves already falling in the back yard. Hard to believe it's October already. Two years ago today it was a low of 20 and snowing. What's up with that? Oh yeah, we live in Wisconsin, haha!

As a rule I don't care much for other dogs - I much prefer the company of people - but Bryn and I get along ok. She doesn't get out for walks a lot during the week, so whenever my mom and dad manage to get home from work around the same time we bring her with us on my daily walk. She's a sassy young dog with lots of energy, but by the time we get home we're both too tired to fight with each other, so it works out good for everyone. Like my mom always says, a tired dog is a good dog!

There haven't been any posts in awhile because my mom has been extremely busy at work, and too depressed after the Packers lost by one point to Tampa Bay last week. Aaaaagh! This is not supposed to be a Packers blog (note there's no link .... yet ... until somebody figures out how that works!) but when you live in Green Bay it seems like the whole world revolves around the Packers schedule for about 1/3 of the year and that's all anybody ever talks about.

In just about 15 minutes we're going to watch them take on the Carolina Panthers on Monday Night Football, where they have the chance to redeem themselves and their 0-3 record on national television. We hope anyway! Notice I wore my Packer scarf today, and my mom has on a stylin' embroidered t-shirt too. She purposely buried my dad's "lucky shirt" in the laundry after last week, so he was forced to dig into his collection for one of the old proven winners from years past.

Are you ready for some football?!?!?!?!?!?


Blogger Teresa said...

Looking good, Rosie. But, Brett and company is lookin' like crap!

2:49 PM  

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