A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Chipmunk Bunker

Dan the plumber was here today so these big plastic pipes are gone now, but for the last couple weeks they have provided an endless source of frustration for me (and entertainment for my mom and dad!)

The chipmunks figured out that this was a safe haven, so they would go running in here as soon as I came out the back door.

I know there's one in there, and I go back and forth and back and forth but I just can't seem to get it.

Drats, another one got away again out the other end of the pipe. I couldn't care less about the squirrels, but the chipmunks drive me crazy!


Blogger Teresa said...

Poor Rosie!!

10:28 AM  

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