A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pretty in Pink

Well it's been awhile since the last post but we've been busy here working in our basement. As you can see, most of the ugly old green concrete block walls are now covered by this pretty pink insulation board stuff, but before the walls and ceiling can be finished my dad has to redo all the wiring.

The old suspended ceiling that was installed by the previous owner of this house was covering up "a multitude of sins" you might say. With each panel that came down it was like another episode of that show on HGTV called "Why did they do that?"

Now you have to understand my dad when it comes to electrical wiring. He installs and maintains all these huge multi-million megawatt television and radio transmitters, so it's kinda important for him to know what's what when it comes to working with live wires! He knew it was a jumble up in the rafters under ceiling (which he discovered a long time ago when he wired every room in this house for cable!) so he was just waiting for this opportunity to rip out the whole thing and straighten everything out at once.

It's still a work in progress, but it's coming along nicely. Stay tuned for more pics soon!


Blogger Teresa said...

Cool. It is looking GOOD!

11:57 AM  

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