A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Thursday, October 16, 2008

House Plant 9-1-1

This poor spider plant was about to be thrown out by some friends who were overwhelmed by how big it grew, so of course it came home with Mom and Dad after their road trip "Up North" to visit them last weekend.

It took most of the afternoon today, but we managed to salvage eight healthy new plants from it. They are resting inside our garage right now, but soon they will all go to loving new homes!

And just because we love "before and after" photos, here's one that shows just the biggest babies that were sprouting from this plant .....

..... and here they are all ready to donate to Mom's school for the Biology Club's semi-annual plant sale!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the Spider plant you left in my care some many years ago??? When you asked how it was doing I replied that I had to keep cutting off the funny looking things that kept growing down from it. Little did I know they were the babies. You & Jody definitely didn't get your horticulture talents from me!!!! Mom (Carolyn Cheslock)

4:26 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

I am loving my new plant! Thanks, Julie!

9:22 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I am hoping that I don't kill my new plant. How often do I have to water it again?

12:17 AM  

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