A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Operation Leaf Drop

Those of you who read my blog (all four of you!) know that we have the coolest neighbors in the world, but I need to clarify that somewhat. The neighbors here on our block are cool, but across the street we have a couple guys who are just plain annoying ..... you know, the kind of guys who are outside at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning with their noisy leaf blowers. One of them is soooooo anal-retentive that he even vacuums the leaves out of his shrubs with a shop vac!

Now Doug was out blowing a few leaves himself yesterday and he had a little pile on the terrace in front of his house where the city workers will pick them up, but Annoying Man can't stand to have a single leaf on his terrace for even a day or two. Mom just happened to glance out the window at around 5:45 pm because she and Dad were waiting for Doug and Cynthia to come pick them up for dinner and the Leahy concert ..... and what does she see but Annoying Man's Wife(!) dumping a big garbage can full of leaves on Doug's pile. Mind you, this wouldn't be any big deal if they would have just ASKED if they could add to the pile, but they waited until after dark when they thought nobody would see them. What nerve, hey?

Little did they know ..... but Doug had another HUGE pile of leaves in the back yard, all raked up onto a tarp already, so late last night after the concert Operation Leaf Drop was launched!

Mom was a little worried when we woke up this morning and the pile was still there on his terrace. She thought Annoying Man must have had a heart attack or something because he wasn't out there at the crack of dawn as usual, but apparently he was just waiting for reinforcements. By 9:30 am he and his next-door neighbor (who we'll just call Annoying Man #2) were both out there with the vacuum attachments on their leaf blowers! They must have filled at least 7-8 giant bags because the back of his minivan was stuffed. Where he went to dump them we don't know because the yard waste drop-off site isn't open on Sundays, but knowing this guy he probably went and dumped them in a park somewhere.

Just for the record, all my peeps felt a tad bit guilty watching this little drama unfold while they sipped their coffee and peeked out the window, but it was downright hilarious!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween!

So we're a day late, but blogger wasn't cooperating yesterday. This is our annual Halloween yard display .... since 1999!