A Dog's Blog

In this day and age when everyone and their dog has a blog, I decided it was time for Rosie to have one of her own. She's the supervisor on all of our yard and home improvement projects, so I'll give you all the updates from her point of view!

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Location: Green Bay, WI

Thursday, September 04, 2008

New Kid on the Block

Meet Iggy, our new next door neighbor. She's a miniature Dachshund and she came all the way from St. Ignatius, Michigan!

She's still just a baby so she can't even make it up the steps to the deck yet, but she's not afraid to go down. Of course she lands in a heap in the grass at the bottom, but that doesn't seem to bother her.

She also likes to run along the fence line with me, but she gets tired out pretty quick with those short little legs.

Isn't she the sweetest thing? I'm completely fascinated by her and would love to play but Mom is afraid I might crush her, so for now I just give her kisses through the fence!