BAHDTV is here!
With a television engineer in the house you knew this was inevitable ..... we are now the proud new owners of a big-ass, high-definition television! It's a Hitachi 50-inch plasma which perfectly fills the custom shelf Dad built for it in the basement rec room. He and Doug unpacked and installed it just in time to watch the Badgers kick butt yesterday afternoon. Go Wisconsin!
The salesman at the store was actually quite knowledgeable and helpful (which is why we like to shop at locally-owned stores like VanVreede's instead of the big boxes like Worst Buy or Circus City) but boy did he work hard to earn his commission on this sale! Before revealing he was in the television biz, Dad quizzed the poor young guy mercilessly about everything just to see how much he really knew. Mom got a real kick out of him when he earnestly talked about being sure you take into account "your future viewing needs" when making a purchase like this. WTF?!?!?! Nobody really NEEDS television screens that huge. They're just high-priced toys for big spoiled boys!